Sunday 3 April 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day.

So yesterday I went to the beach, because it now looks like summer (Even if the sea is still Baltic). We got in the car and drove in the general direction of Yarmouth. Although arguably the best coast in Norfolk is the Stephen Fry/ Shakespeare in Love bit that's in the other direction entirely we decided it would be more entertaining to drive to the beach called 'California'. Near the Beach called 'Newport'. We'll talk about this in a second.

Actually, Let's do it now.

CALIFORNIA?. Not to offend anyone living there (I can't imagine they have the internet anyway) but whichever twat brought attention to the fact that that pebbled scattered town that smells of fish and misery by calling it that needs a stern speaking to. Ok, so you decide to live on the coast, FINE. You decide to invite some tourists there, FINE. But why, why the fuck would you then name it after one of the worlds most renowned beachey areas? WHY OH FUCKING WHY?
The area of 'California' is covered in a mixture of Chernobyl styled flat blocks and pavement. Grey, oppresive day ruining pavement.
It's like the illegitimate child of Yarmouth and Slough, conceived on a quiet Wednesday night in Club Mercy. Or MOJO's. Yeah MOJO's.

I went to 'California' Norfolk, and I saw the void.

Then I went to Winterton, which was really nice.

Oh and watch this...

It's cool.

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